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 One of the Daily reporter state "UN official Claims Alabama has THE WORST POVERTY he's seen in the developed world." In the HOME of the FREE, LAND of the BRAVE over 70 percent of our fellow AMERICANS LIVE IN POVERTY and are recipients of SNAP benefits formerly know as (food stamps). In another article written in BUSINESS INSIDER in the Personal Finance Section, the author writes"50 MILLION AMERICANS LIVE IN POVERTY."


We at Blackbelt and Central Alabama can't do it all. But, what we can do is our very best to do all we can to help our fellow man even in the midst of the CARONA VIRUS. In April we passed out 250 bags of food to those in need in Camden, Alabama. We followed that up by distributing over 261 bags in this month of May. Like Selma, Camden, AL is extremely poor. Yet in still we look forward to helping these communities to help do what we can to help repair homes, give away food, teach maintenance and prevention of health issues along with financial literacy to help restore a sense of pride within these low-income families and seniors. We solicit the help of all those who can who are willing and able to assist us.

Feel free to contact us via the information provided to find out how you too can participate either with financial contributions or volunteering. We look forward to hearing from you. 


  • UN official Philip Alston visited Alabama during an investigation Weinto US poverty

  • He visited several counties in Alabama's long-impoverished 'Black Belt' region

  • Tllll ll


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BLACKBELT &CENTRAL ALABAMA HOUSING has purposed in our hearts to help as many low-income families, seniors, and veterans as we can. We are doing what we can with our resources, volunteers, and those that contribute financially. We thank those who have helped to support us over the past 20 plus years. We looked forward to those continued relationships as well as the new relationships. Contact us and let us know how we may be of service to you or if you would like to partner with us. COVID-19 is still going on. Be Safe! Stay Productive!

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